
bookstore date

hat- vintage.  cropped shirt- Black Crane.  shorts- H&M Budapest.  socks- Target.  shoes- Naughty Monkey.  bag- Anna Corinna. necklace- vintage. black bangle- Marc By Marc Jacobs. bracelet- Swarovski Crystal.

photos by S. Stefanski

sam and i went to the americana at brand today to bum around the barnes and noble.  we are almost ready to put a roof on our workshop, and are considering alternative roofing.
we really love the idea of a green roof. having an above ground fairy land of succulents instead of asphalt and tar sounds pretty amazing. we also looked at books on edible gardening. we are planning on making planter boxes this weekend.  i am always researching at home, on the internet, but sitting on the floor,physically holding a book and taking time to flip through the pages just feels better.  

1 comment:

  1. This is a great outfit. Everything just flows together. Love the booties and purse.
