
lacy day

turband- handmade gift from mom!  tri chain necklace- vintage.  crystal necklace- gift from mom from years ago.  bracelet- antiqued in pioneertown.  large ring- Target.  lace blouse- thrifted.  boots Jeffrey Campbell.

photos by William Czyzyk

sunday was truly a lovely day!  Sam and i met our friends for breakfast at Nicks Cafe.   our friend, Nikki had plenty of delicious gossip to divulge from her recent work journey to Paris.  she did hair for the Chanel and Louis Vuitton shows.  i wish i could have been there to see the iconic and very smokey Moss strut the LV show... 
source: the lux beat

after breakfast we went to the natural history museum for their sustainable sundays program . the workshop was, greywater with Leigh Jerrard of Greywater Corps.  i took plenty of notes and asked about 79 questions.  i learned so much!  we cannot wait to perfect our greywater system.
later on my dear friend, William was kind enough to take these photos during a hangout session. he rents the downstairs space from us. he has such impeccable taste as you can see from the decor.  i will post more on his live space soon. he finds his pieces in various thrift stores, ebay and sometimes in the trash.  he spends hours transforming them into art.  he also happens to have a black belt in hapkido. he studied in China for over a year. he is currently training me. it is the best workout.  it totally kicks my ass but is also quite peaceful and empowering.

i spent the latter part of the day in harem sweatpants, an american apparel sweatshirt and combat boots working in the garden. the birds chirped loudly and fluttered about, the ladybugs feasted on pests and the worms enriched the soil. aaahhhhhh...  

1 comment:

  1. i love everything about this look!

