on me: hat,necklace,flannel- vintage. striped tank- UO. cords with suspenders- Zara. boots- Frye. sunnies- Smashbox. one piece- Liz Claiborne from my aunt christine.
on sam: hat- Pendleton. shirt- thrifted. wolf tee- UO. trousers- Dockers.
photos by S Stefanski and me
sam and i took an overnight camping and fishing trip with the doggies. we stayed at lake casitas. sam fished off the pier while i read norwegian wood and soaked up the last rays of sun. later we made a fire, cooked dinner and roasted marshmallows. the next day we rented a boat and fished. we didn't catch anything, but had a peaceful time just drifting on the lake. i love these little getaways with my love.